This morning, I flipped our calendar at home to November 1st. This coming weekend we change our clocks back to standard time. It made me think that our summer tire days are over. The roads are dry here, but it looks like it was a little slipperier last night on Homestake Pass. I am hoping I can get the Boxster out for one more time. At least fill the tank for winter storage.
We had a great fall. We were able to squeeze in a couple of extra drives up to the mountains.
Just a reminder our holiday party and new member party will be December 15, 2024 at the Scared Grounds Coffee House from 4-7. We have reserved a private room. There will be more information to come on the party. It should be fun with plenty of parking for those who drive Porsche SUVs. You never know the day could be a heat wave and we all could drive our “summer cars” that day.
I do need suggestions or help with one issue. Our membership and participation in events has grown. Our group size for our monthly Porsche and Pancakes is making it difficult to find a restaurant that can accommodate all of us. It looks like other groups have found the Laurel Golf Course for breakfast events. We are now competing for the time and space.
I called one restaurant that we have meet at in the past. The restaurant suggested that we schedule a buffet with an attendance guarantee. I’m looking for an alternate place for Porsche and Pancakes especially in the winter months.
This month I want to recognize Dan Cole. As you all know Dan is our editor for our region’s newsletter the Absaroka Arrow. At Parade, this year our newsletter was recognized for best newsletter in Class 1 regions. Take a look at the October 2024 Panorama page 92. In the same issue of Panorama, in the “FROM THE REGIONS” section (page 122) our region is the first region recognized. To no one’s surprise it is a photo of our drive to Greycliff organized and taken by Dan in Reed Point. I want to thank Dan for all his hard work with single-handedly publishing the Arrow and his work as Membership Chair.
PLEASE let me know of any ideas to meet for breakfast or a warm place for cars and coffee.