The Absaroka Region is an active participant in the Driver’s Education (DE) program sponsored by our sister PCA Region Big Sky. Each spring and fall Absaroka members travel north to Lewistown, Montana to participate in this long standing and excellent event.
The mission and purpose of the Porsche Club of America’s Driver’s Education Program is to provide a safe, structured and controlled teaching and learning environment. The PCA DE Program is designed so that participants can improve their driving abilities and acquire a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and driving safety. Both the Big Sky Region and Absaroka Regions have an excellent pool of Certified PCA DE Instructors to help participants experience first-hand the capabilities of high performance automobiles in a controlled, closed-course environment and acquire skills that will enhance safer vehicle operation in all driving situations.
The weekend long DE event is held on a 2.3 mile road course. Both new drivers and experienced drivers each enjoy numerous laps on a wide open and fast circuit at a reasonable price.
For complete details and information on the Big Sky Region’s DE events, you are encouraged to visit the website of the PCA Big Sky Region.